Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy

Dekalb County Schools

When School is Closed Due to Inclement Weather

Directions for Students - Parents Home Use
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
3. Click on the Launchpad icon.
4. In the next window, click on Log in with Active Directory.
5. A new window will open asking the student to authenticate. In the Authentication Window, type in the student user name and password.  
6. Locate the VERGE icon on the page.
7. Click on Courses. Then, All courses.
8. Select the course.
Elementary Password Information 
Grade Level /Password 
Kindergarten /dekalbkk 
First Grade /dekalb01 
Second Grade /dekalb02
Third Grade /dekalb03 
Fourth Grade /dekalb04
Fifth Grade /dekalb05