McNair Discovery Learning
Academy Title I Stakeholders Input Meeting Notice
When: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 9:00 am (virtual)
Where: McNair Discovery Learning Academy Media Center
Meeting Link: 2l9Hbsm_epnQfsKfIDR4yw1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId= b387ae95-317e-45f8-b68e-ac6a685fd0b2&tenantId=312b238a-c083- 41c1-a18b-736b02696f79
Who: All parents are invited to attend.
Come, see, and hear the wonderful things that are happening in our school and learn more about our Title I Program. Your input as a parent and stakeholder at this meeting is very valuable! In this meeting we will discuss the following:
• Overview and purpose of Title I
• What it means to be a Title I school
• What is parent and family engagement
• Input into our school-wide goals, funding priorities, and 1% set-aside for parent and family engagement activities
• Assist us in revising our School-Family Compact and School-Parent and Family Engagement Policy
• Develop topics for Building Capacity for School Staff and Parents
Please join us!
Contact Shaun Wells at
[email protected] for more information on this important meeting.