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2024 PAC Elections

Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy

Dekalb County Schools

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support

 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a research-based, school-wide systems approach to improve school climate and create safer and more effective schools. PBIS is the framework that we use at McNair DLA to shape student behavior and ensure that we have a culture that promotes learning and growing. 
The framework includes 5 major components:
1. School-wide expectations: Throughout our school we remind students to SOAR.  These are our four expectations that govern our behavior throughout the building.  See the SOAR Matrix included below for a detailed description.
2. Classroom rules: In addition to school-wide expectations for common areas throughout the building, each classroom has a set of rituals, routines, and rules that help ensure that the classroom environment is optimal for learning.
3. Lessons and Instruction: All of our rituals, routines, rules, and expectations are taught throughout the year.  During the month of August and when we return from our holiday break, much of the school day is focused on ensuring that students understand the expectations and ways to be a successful Thoroughbred.
4. Rewards and Incentives: We believe in acknowledging students who help to make McNair a wonderful place to grow and learn. Students can earn Thoroughbred bucks by meeting and exceeding the school-wide and classroom expectations that they have leanred.  At the end of each month, students are able to cash in their bucks for a special treat or activity.  The month's reward and number of bucks required are announced at the start of the month. 
Classrooms who are meeting and exceeding our SOAR expectations can earn a signature on their classroom clipboard chart. At the end of the month the signatures are tallied and the winning classes receive several acknowledgments.  There is a homeroom winner for each grade level, and they receive a special shout-out, banner, and opportunity to eat lunch on the stage in the cafeteria with a special treat.  There is one winner for the whole school each month, and they earn the school spirit stick in addition to the grade level rewards. 
5. Behavioral Interventions: The last component includes our response to students who do not meet the behavioral expectations of McNair DLA. We first give students a warning reminder of what is expected and necessary to ensure that they are being their best selves while at school.  The following steps include a variety of strategies unique to the student's needs but generally include reteaching, parent contact, time away from the classroom environment with a trusted adult, and a host of other educational interventions.  Continued difficulty with meeting school expectations or incidents that pose safety concerns may result in Student Support team meetings (with parents/guardians as key players), in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and/or referral to partner agencies.